The American Council of the Blind
of Indiana (ACBI)




ACBI State Convention

Turkey Run State Park
Marshall, IN
September 7 and 8, 2001


The 30th Annual State Convention of ACBI was held September 7 and 8 at Turkey Run State Park.

The convention opened with a welcome from our president, Dolly Sowder. Everyone introduced themselves so all would know who was there.

Our speaker for the evening was Charles H. Crawford, Executive Director, ACB National Office. His topic was membership recruitment and participation. Recruitment is about telling the story of ACB. He said it takes people and organization efforts to get more participation. Other ways are distributing materials. His positive ideas will help us to grow within our state and local chapters.

Immediately following the session was a social time with birthday cake and other snacks.


Saturday morning, September 8, opened with an invocation by Dale Thomas.

Kathy Crick, a naturalist, from Turkey Run State Park, introduced us to the Unique Characteristics about Turkey Run. She brought along some items we could touch and examine throughout the day such as furs of animals and sand stones.

The business meeting began with around the room introductions again so all would know who was in attendance. Mike Sowder read the agenda.


Saturday Morning:

The minutes from last year's convention were read and approved and the treasurer's report for the year 2000 was read and accepted as follows: checking account, $4,548.26; savings, $1,762.55; endowment, $20,726.86. In the Hank Hofstetter Opportunity Grant Fund $1,568.00 and endowment $4,111.98. Don Koors explained why we have been taking up a goodwill collection for the endowment portion of the grant fund at each convention and that we would do it now. Maurice Brockman read an article about Dr. Hofstetter having been voted into the Optometric Hall of Fame. $233.00 was the total collected from those in attendance. Many thanks to all.

Dolly Sowder explained about the car project we are doing in hopes of raising some funds. She also announced that the South Central Chapter would be selling chances on an afghan to raise money for equipment for two children who are visually impaired and need it for school.

The auditing committee reported that the treasurer's books were in good order.

Gerry Koors read the nominating committee report as follows: president, Dolly Sowder; vice-president, Gerry Koors; secretary, Anne Elliott; treasurer, Don Koors; board members for three year terms, Don Osburn, Josephine Price and John Huffman; and two board members for two year terms because of resignations are needed. Edie Huffman offered to be a board member.

Maurice Brockman read the obituary about Dr. William Trubey who died September 6th. He had just completed 2 three-year terms as a member of our Board of Directors. Both he and his wife, Barbara, have been volunteer helpers at the national conventions since 1995.

Don Koors introduced the first speaker of the day. Spencer Valentine, Co-Director, Indiana Election Commission, Indiana Secretary of State's Office, discussed with us "Making Voting Accessible in Indiana for Individuals with Disabilities." He said we need to work on our county commissioners to get them interested in getting a more accessible system for people with disabilities. The State Election Commission has to approve/certify a voting system before the county commissions can buy a new voting system.

We then recessed for lunch and time to view exhibits one of which was a more accessible voting machine for blind and visually impaired people.


Saturday Luncheon:

At lunch the Pat Price Award, which is given to a visually impaired person who has done much to improve the lives of blind and visually impaired individuals, was given to Evelyn Meyer who just retired as Executive Director of Services for the Visually and Hearing Impaired in Marion, Indiana. She had been in that position since 1979. Congratulations, Evelyn, on a job well done.


Saturday Afternoon:

The afternoon session began with remarks by Senator Mark J. Blade of Vigo and surrounding counties. He said everyone has the right and obligation to do what they can for Indiana.

Dr. Douglas Conard, M.D., Ophthalmologist from Lafayette, discussed future trends in eye care. He showed slides of the eye, parts of it that are affected by diseases of the eye such as cataracts and diabetic retinopathy and answered questions.

Charles H. Crawford, Executive Director of ACB, Washington, D.C. then challenged us in our efforts to help make changes that will improve the lives of blind and visually impaired people. He said we must create a positive environment, set standards and educate.


Business Meeting:

Gerry Koors again read the slate of officers and board members to be considered as follows:


President, Dolly Sowder;
Vice-president, Gerry Koors;
Secretary, Anne Elliott;
Treasurer, Don Koors.

Board Members - Three-year terms:

Josephine Price
Don Osburn
John Huffinan

Board Members - Two-year terms to replace Jim Stanga and Anne Elliott:

Edie Huffman
Deanna Austin

A motion was made and seconded to accept the slate as read. Motion carried.

The 2002 state convention will be held at the Holiday Inn in Columbus, Indiana September 27 and 28, 2002.

Door prizes were given throughout the day.

The membership approved the following amendments to the Constitution and By-laws.


Article IV, Section G

Delete the following: "The manager of the American Council Thrift Store in Indianapolis will automatically become a voting member of the American Council of the Blind of Indiana's Board of Directors."

Article V, Section D

Was amended to read: "A nominating committee consisting of no less than three and no more than five members shall be appointed by the president not later than 90 days prior to the convention."


Number 2:

The dues were increased from $5 (five dollars) to $7 (seven dollars) effective 2003.

Number 4, Section D

Add "or e-mail" to the end of the last sentence of this section.


An amendment concerning the Hank Hofstetter Opportunity Grant Fund Committee was tabled for further discussion.

The next board meeting will be held on November 10, 2001 at the Columbia Club, Indianapolis, Indiana.

There being no more business, the convention adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gerry Koors, Secretary



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Updated: November 4, 2001
