The American Council of the Blind
of Indiana. (ACBI)
Adopted 1972
Amended:1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980,
1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993 & 2001
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the American Council of the Blind of Indiana.
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of the American Council of the Blind of Indiana is to strive for the betterment of our total community.
A. Through a representative state organization primarily of blind people.B. By providing a forum for the views of the blind from all corners of the state and from all walks of life.
C. By elevating the social, economic, and cultural levels of the blind.
D. By improving educational and rehabilitation facilities.
E. By broadening vocational opportunities.
F. By encouraging and assisting the blind, especially the newly blinded, to develop their abilities and potentialities and to assume their responsible place in the community.
G. By cooperating with the public and private institutions of and for the blind.
H. By providing for the free exchange of ideas, opinions, and information relating to matters of concern to blind people.
I. By conducting a program of public education aimed toward improving the understanding of the problems of blindness and of the capabilities of blind people.
Article III: Membership, Voting and Dues
Any person residing in Indiana is eligible to become a member of this organization upon complying with the provisions hereinafter contained.
A. Each member in good standing attending a regular convention shall be entitled to one vote.B. Dues shall be paid on a calendar year basis, the amount to be set forth in the By-Laws.
C. There shall also be provision for non-voting associate membership by organizations and individuals who wish to support our efforts. Annual dues for associate membership shall be set by the Board of Directors.
Article IV: Officers
A. The officers of this organization shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer, and their terms of office shall be two years beginning January 1 of even numbered years, immediately following the annual convention.B. In addition to the officers, this organization shall have nine directors to be elected by the convention for terms of three years. At the first election three shall be elected for three years, three shall be elected for two years, and three shall be elected for one year.
C. The president and vice-president of this organization shall be elected for no more than two consecutive terms to the same office, and no director shall be elected to more than two consecutive terms. Eighteen months or more is considered as a three-year term. There shall be no automatic limit to the number of consecutive terms to which the secretary and the treasurer may be elected.
D. Officers and directors shall be elected by a majority vote cast at any regular convention.
E. Vacancies of offices occurring between conventions shall be filled by temporary appointment of the Board of Directors. An election will be held at the next regular convention to fill the vacancy for the duration of the term.
F. The immediate past president shall be automatically a voting member of the Board of Directors.
G..A chapter president or a chapter designee who is not an elected member of the Board may participate at Board meetings with voting privileges.
H. The executive committee shall consist of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and immediate past president to carry out assignments of the Board.
Article V: Powers and Duties of Convention, the Officers, the Board of Directors, and of Committees.
A. Any voting member of the organization may make or second motions, propose nominations, serve on committees, and be elected to office. The convention shall determine the time and place of its meetings.B. Officers of this organization shall perform the usual functions of the offices as prescribed by Robert's Rules of Order Revised, unless provided for in the By-Laws.
C. The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of this organization between conventions provided that it shall make no policy decisions and take no official action in conflict with existing decisions or actions of the convention.
D. A nominating committee consisting of no less than three and no more than five members shall be appointed by the president not later than ninety days prior to the convention.
E. The Board of Directors by a two-thirds vote may recognize and designate any group consisting primarily of five or more visually impaired individuals within the state of Indiana as a local chapter of the American Council of the Blind of Indiana providing that the constitution, by-laws, and statements of purpose of the group are not in conflict with the constitution and by-laws of the American Council of the Blind or of the American Council of the Blind of Indiana and providing that members of the local chapter shall not be eligible to continue such membership longer than one year without holding simultaneous membership in the American Council of the Blind of Indiana. Any financial agreement between the American Council of the Blind of Indiana and a local chapter shall be subject to a two-thirds vote of approval by the Board of Directors.
Examples of such agreements may include: Appropriations to a local chapter, a sharing of profits in a fund raising project, a sharing of expenses in a program to advance the welfare of the blind, or cooperative involvement in any financial venture in which the American Council of the Blind of Indiana may properly engage.
Article VI: Meetings
A regular meeting of this organization shall be held once each year to be known as the annual convention. A majority of all votes certified and seated at the convention shall constitute a quorum to do business.
Article VII: Dissolution
The American Council of the Blind of Indiana, Inc. will in case of dissolution pay all liabilities from the assets of the organization and any remaining funds will be given to a nonprofit organization designated by a majority of the membership.
Article VIII: Amendments
This constitution may be amended at any regular convention of this organization by a two-thirds vote, and by-laws by a simple majority vote of those present and voting according to voting procedures contained herein.
1. Any person eighteen years or older shall be eligible to apply for membership in this organization.
2. The dues of this organization shall be seven dollars ($7.00) annually effective 2003. .To be a member in good standing and eligible to vote at the annual convention, the dues must be paid not less than thirty days prior to the convention.
3. Duties Of Officers.
A. The president shall be responsible for the supervision of all employees of this organization and for the selection and dismissal of all employees of this organization except for professional staff subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.B. The secretary shall keep an accurate record of all Board meetings and conventions of the organization.
C. The treasurer of this organization, in addition to the usual duties of such office, shall forward to the secretary the names of all voting members as received. The treasurer shall furnish a financial report at each meeting of the Board of Directors.
4. Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors.
A. All appointments of professional staff shall be submitted to the Board of Directors within thirty days. Such appointments shall not be final until approved by an affirmative vote of the majority of the Board of Directors.B. Dismissal of professional staff shall be the sole responsibility of the Board of Directors. Such dismissal shall require a majority vote of the Board of Directors and only after the employee in question has been offered an opportunity for a hearing.
C. The Board of Directors shall elect a committee of three which shall recommend a budget to the Board of Directors for the ensuing calendar year. Once a budget has been adopted by the Board of Directors it cannot be altered except by a two-thirds vote by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may be polled by mail or e-mail.
5. Standing Committees.
A. The president shall appoint a state membership chairman.B. The president, within sixty days after the close of each state convention, shall appoint a chairman and not less than four additional members as a resolutions committee. This committee shall receive and prepare resolutions to be considered at its opening meeting in conjunction with the ensuing state convention. All resolutions submitted to the committee shall be reported upon with or without committee recommendations.
C. An auditing committee of three individual American Council of the Blind of Indiana members shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors. Members of this committee shall not hold any other elective office and shall serve until their successors have been elected.
6. Special Groups.
The Board of Directors, by majority vote, may appoint persons to serve as members of a volunteer liaison panel not to exceed nine in number and with no more than one per organization with which liaison is desired. Each appointment shall be subject to endorsement by the organization with which the appointee is identified. Appointments shall be annual, and for no more than five consecutive terms. Appointees need not be American Council of the Blind of Indiana members.
Members of the liaison panel shall be invited to attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors and shall be eligible to participate in Board discussions without voting rights.
Webmaster: pprice@indy.rr.com
Updated: January 10, 2002